Precisiontree is decision tree based decision analysis tool made by Palisade Corporation. Precisiontree is an add-in to Microsoft Excel. Graduate Tutor’s CPA, MBA and CFA tutors can provide live online tutoring for decision tree case studies or assignments using the Precisiontree software. 

Drawing decision trees by itself can be intimidating! Trying to figure out Palisade’s Precisiontree software on your own while figuring out how decision trees work only adds to the challenge.  Homework help & tutoring for Precisiontree software can get you started quickly on your tasks saving you significant time and headaches.  We provide homework help & tutoring for decision trees using Precisiontree. Our tutoring is provided live and online by MBA, CPA or CFA tutors so you can address your questions immediately.

Tutoring for Decision Trees

You can see a list of courses that involve decision trees that we tutor here. Decision trees provide a logical approach to decision making. Decision trees lay out the steps in which decisions need to be made and the possible outcomes (events) at each decision point. Decision trees are linked in a sequence from left to right.  In a decision tree, decisions, events, and end outcomes are represented by  nodes and connected by decision branches. Nodes can be of two types: Decision notes and chance nodes. Palisade Corporation’s Precisiontree software enables you to draw decision trees quickly and systematically.

When you have completed a decision tree using the Precisiontree software, you will have a diagram starting with a single “root” on the left side connected with various branches. These branches represent various paths (decisions notes and chance nodes).  Probabilities of the various events occurring and payoffs for each branch / events are also represented in the decisions trees. You will also get the expected value of at different nodes and the best decision and path for the given scenario.

Decision Tree Software & Tools

Decision trees can be drawn by hand or using various decision tree software or tools. Tools include treeplan, Edraw, Smartdraw, Zingtree, IBM’s SPSS, Precisiontree from Palisade, Lucidchart, etc. Graduate Tutor’s CPA/MBA/CFA tutors provide tutoring for decision tree software such as Treeplan or Palisade’s PrecisionTree online.  You can learn how to build Precisiontree with Graduate Tutor’s tutors online.  Precisiontree homework help & tutoring online is convenient and saves you valuable time.

In addition to Precisiontree homework help and tutoring, graduate Tutor’s CPA/MBA/CFA tutors also provide online tutoring and homework help in a variety of other subjects. Other topics that our operations research and decision analysis tutors or statistics tutors can assist you with include:

Please feel free to call us or email us if we can assist you with live tutoring for the above topics. If your topics are not listed here, we will try to find you a tutor too. 

Precisiontree, @Risk  and the DecisionTools Suite used for risk and decision analysis are made by Palisade Corporation. Precisiontree, @RISK   and DecisionTools copyrights are owned by Palisade Corporation.