Microsoft Excel can be daunting to learn with over hundreds of excel functions and possibly millions of applications. We have tried to classify the various excel functions into different topics so it becomes easier to:

  • search and find the function you are looking for; and
  • learn all the relevant functions in the area you are trying to master (say statistics or date related functions)

The various categories we have currently segmented the functions into are:

  • Date & time functions
  • Database functions
  • Financial functions
  • Lookup and reference functions
  • Information functions
  • Math and trigonometry functions
  • Logical functions
  • Engineering functions
  • Statistical functions
  • External and web functions
  • Text functions

You will see the different categories listed at the the bottom of the embedded file. Click on the one that interests you and enjoy learning excel.

If you just want the most popular Microsoft Excel functions you will encounter in an MBA program, please visit the top 60 Microsoft Excel functions page.  Read this post if you are looking for the fastest way to learn Microsoft Excel 🙂

In Microsoft Excel 2010 many of the excel functions were improved on in terms of accuracy.  In Microsoft Excel 2010 also included an upgrade to the function user interface and auto complete feature. Some of the functions modified in the In Microsoft Excel 2010 version include BINOMDIST, CRITBINOM, NORMDIST, NORMINV, NORMSDIST, NORMSINV, etc. Of specific importance to MBA students are the improvements made to IPMT, PMT, IRR, PPMT, CUMIPMT and CUMPRINC.  In Microsoft Excel 2013, 53 new functions were introduced. These new  Microsoft Excel 2013 functions were accros the various categories but did not include any new financial functions.

Happy learning! If we can assist you with one on one Microsoft Excel tutoring, please give us a call or send us an email or simply fill up the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.